Mary Culver- March 2025

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Our residents can count on receiving excellent, quality nursing care, a safe and secure room and delicious meal choices, as well as ongoing assistance with the necessities of daily living. It is often the interesting activities that add to the spice of life through socializing with the other ladies and staff. We offer multiple daily activities geared to people with low or no vision.

One full-time activity director and two assistants prepare a monthly calendar, full of variety, that lists the agenda for each day, and nursing staff and volunteers assist as needed to help them with full enjoyment.

The activities emphasize a variety of senses and experiences that may include:

  • musical programs
  • food tastings
  • nature and art appreciation
  • massages
  • spa treatments
  • brain games
  • happy hour-twice a week
  • Bingo – every Friday!
  • fingernail painting
  • Bible study
  • exercise
  • pet therapy
  • and much more

Additionally, the schedule includes weekly visits from clergy, a hairdresser, and a music therapist. Staff members assist with favorite activities requiring a degree of sight, such as card games and the ever-popular Bingo. For those who have difficulty leaving their rooms, the activity leaders come to them and fit the program to the ability. For these women, the activity may include reminiscences, nail painting, or hand massage.


During warm-weather months, the ladies enjoy a monthly luncheon outing at the restaurant of their choosing. Volunteers and staff take them to favorites such as Cracker Barrel, First Watch, Steak & Shake, and a Chinese restaurant. 

“Whether in a church service, a singing group experience or a dinner event, all events were wonderful for our mother in the sense that these occasions kept her involved with the world, continuing to feel a part of something bigger, and spending time with others.”
Michael E. Kirk

(son of Nicky Kirk)

The Mary Culver Home has a beautiful front patio surrounded by lush landscaping, with an emphasis on scented plants. The west side of the building features a protected courtyard. Staff members take the ladies for fresh air when the weather permits and the ladies are interested. The activity directors also use the outdoors when appropriate.


Occasionally a resident has a need not met by the activity routines. In these instances, staff attempt to recruit volunteers for special interests. In the past, volunteer companions have worked crosswords with residents, taken them thrift shopping, or focused on prayer and spirituality.